Jofemar Goya 32, 35 product selections and 32 channels complete channels of 38/40 packets each one, 1110 packets total capacity.
X-10 5 tubes coin changer, gives change of 0,05 €; 0,10 €; 0,50 €; 1,00 € y 2,00 € and 3 auxiliary tube of 0,05€ - 0,10€ - 0,20€
ICT S7A bill reader, led indicator, high acceptance and very fast. 5€, 10€ and 20€ accepted, Stacker of 300 notes.
LCD of 32 letters, very simple programming, RF Age control installed.
Polígono Industrial Municipal
Vial Transversal 1, s/n - ZIP: 31500
Tudela, Navarra, Spain
(+34) 656 82 69 69