

All machines showed in this site are REFURBISHED, very good quality, cleaned and tested.

We have been exporters for a long time, we have experience in customize any machine to vend any other product.

Products like perfumes, sprays, ballerina shoes or any other with special sizes. 

Also we adapt the payment systems (coin changer & note reader) for any currency, we deliver the machines ready for to install.

There are machines from 6 up to 36 channels, 3 brands. sure you can find your machine! 

Cigarette Vending Machines

Results 1 - 12 of 12

Jofemar Goya 22 Touch bill ICT

€ 1895
Jofemar Goya 22 touch screen monitor, ICT note reader, 830 packets of capacity.

Jofemar Goya 16 Touch bill ICT

€ 1995
Jofemar Goya 16 with 12" touch monitor, ICT bill reader, 630 packets of...

GMV Premium 36 Bill Reader

€ 1100
Machine of 36 selections and 32 channels, Display 32 digits, MDB 4/5 tubes coin...

GMV Premium 36 Bill Recycler

€ 1800
Machine of 36 selections and 32 channels, Bill recycler, gives change of small...

GMV Premium 24 Bill Reader

€ 1190
Machine of 24 selections and 22 channels, Display 32 digits, MDB 4/5 tubes coin...

GMV Elitouch 36

€ 1850
GMV Elitouch 36 cigarette vending machine, 18" touch monitor, ICT bill reader,...

GMV Elitouch 16

€ 1850
GMV Elitouch 16 cigarette vending machine, 12" touch screen, ICT bill reader, 4...

Azkoyen Design 8

€ 350
Azkoyen Design 8, 8 selections and 8 channels, 3 change givers, electronic coin...

Azkoyen Design 21

€ 330
Azkoyen Design 21, classic model of 19 selections and 21 channels, 3 change...

Azkoyen Design 14

€ 350
Azkoyen Design 14, classic model of 14 selections and 14 channels, 3 change...

Azk N74T Bill Reader

€ 800
Azkoyen N74T, 26 selections and 24 channels. Payment system: coin validator and...

Azk N74D Bill Reader

€ 900
Azkoyen N74D, 18 selections and 16 channels. Payment system: coin validator and...

NVM International

Polígono Industrial Municipal

Vial Transversal 1, s/n - ZIP: 31500 

Tudela, Navarra, Spain

  (+34) 656 82 69 69